We dont use bots, neither should you, theres nothing better than exchanges fueled by real people.
Autosurf-uk is here to help you grow your Twitter, Soundcloud, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Digg, Pinterest, Reverbnation, Dribbble, Vimeo, Friendfeed, Gamespot, Qik, Myspace, Flattr and Websites for FREE.We allow you to pick and choose who you want to follow, like, friend, view or visit and skip those who you're not interested in.
What is google +1 and what does it do?
+1 helps people find content that is relevant to them it could be a website, or a Google search result, but using +1 you can see better rated results that have already been rated by people close to you. The +1 button is visible on Google search and some webmasters may have installed it on there websites, occationally you may even see a +1 on ads.
Putting a +1 button on the pages on your website will allow users to recommend the things they see, this will boost your sites visibility to there contacts where it matters most Google search results. As an added feature, a user's +1's appear on the +1 tab in their Google Profile like an online bookmark system taht they can share with the world. While +1’s are always public, users can choose to make the +1 tab visible or invisible on their profile.
When a signed-in Google user is searching, your Google result will show that their friends have clicked the plus one button for that page.If none of the users friends have clicked the plus one button the search results page will simply show the number of plus ones you have altogether showing the global popularity of your site.
Content recommended by friends is normally more reliable than content from those you do not know. E.g. If you read a review from an expert it can be useful, but a one from a friend who shares would most likelly be better. Its because of these things, +1's from friends and contacts carry more weight with google than any other link system you may use. But as with all the link systems used to build page rank and SEO the bigger your network the better. So the more google +1s you have the more likelly you are to be seen.
So how does the Plus one exchange work?
Its very simple sighn up, add your page and start clicking +1 on other peoples sites to earn credits, assign credits to your URL and wait for your +1s to grow!
Google +1 Exchange is now live! Join now for an instant boost.
Autosurf-UK.com Just went into Alpha!
Free Account | Pro Account | |
Autosurf Exchange Ratio |
4:3 |
1:1 |
Refferal Bonus |
1000 Credits |
2000 credits |
Remember to check your junk mail for your activation email!
How man google +1s can i get for 1,000 Credits?
You can get 1000 google +1s for 1000 credits! You get 1000 credits just for signing up for free as well as 1000 credits for every person you refer!
Q. I dont want to +1 other peoples websites how much do credits cost?
Number of Credits | Price |
1,000 | $1.00 |
5,000 | $2.50 |
10,000 | $4.00 |
20,000 | $7.50 |
50,000 | $15.00 |
100,000 | $27.50 |
250,000 | $51.95 |
500,000 | $99.95 |
1,000,000 | $175.00 |
Autosurf Uk is more tahn simply a Google +1 Exchange network, it is an all encompasing advertising exchange network. You can buy your adverts or you can exchange them for free, with new features being added all the time. You can increase your facebook fans using our like exchange or you can boost your twitter feed using our follow exchange, you can use the autosurf site to boost web traffic. Every action you take earns you coins, every click you take can help boost your online presence, more clicks = bigger presence.... Simple. You can even get credits ultrasurf, we award hundreds of coins just for taking a few minutes to fill our a survey every now and then! So get stuck in!
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